Monday, May 9, 2016

In Case You Were Wondering...

          And just in case you’ve been wondering what happened from there…

          The boys did take off!  They had had enough of worrying about Smokey, Baby and Daisy.  And if you’re meowing about Casey taking off- he did as well.  After a lot of indignant meowing he decided that he had enough of controversy and just wanted to go somewhere for a stiff milk drink.

          Those boys…

          So, predictable…

          Meee-ow…you’re wondering what happened with Daisy right?  Well, Baby and Smokey broke Daisy out of the FUZZ’s place in a way that would’ve put those humans to shame who broke out that fat El Chapo Dude.  What was funny was that Baby even managed to find a motorcycle!  How in the meow that happened no kitty was sure how to explain it!  But it didn’t matter, Daisy was free and the next thing you know the three of them were headed out of the state and even further south!


          Where in the meow could these three be going?

1 comment:

  1. post it; in case the boys are reading this....we dont want them knowing we are going to ****************

    hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥♥
