Friday, July 19, 2019

Another Update


  1. guyz....pleez due knot give up hope; trooth....we haz palz that haz went on walk aboutz N dinna come bak for sum time.....984 pawz crossez blackie doez come bak yet...two day ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. One of my indoor cats got outside...he was upset about someone who had come to the house...There was no sign of him - no neighbors had seen him - even the animal communicator a friend of mine knows (and who had gotten results talking to a couple of my other cats) could not reach him. Since he can only contact living animals, we assumed the worst.)
    Eighteen days later, as I went out to go to work about 7 am, I heard mew-mew-mew-and assumed one of the outside kitties had caught something. But here, down the hill, came Alexander. He was a bit thinner, but none the worse for wear. And when the communicator reached out again, he still refused to answer. So - really - don't give up yet.
