Sunday, November 24, 2019

Meee-what????? Football????

          You kitties are never going to believe this.

          Remember how Leo wanted Toni’s help to play a big joke on Hank?  Well, the gang got distracted and by gang I mean the lions, tigers and all of the other big cats that were hanging on the island.  Now, what was the big distraction.

          Sunday NFL football!!!!


          Okay, just try to picture it.  Hank comes barreling to their turf with a bunch of kitties ready for war and there’s a bunch of cats watching football with Toni sitting next to Leo.

          Meows cannot describe the look on Hank’s face…

1 comment:

  1. now yur talkin grate timez....we hope de eye land servez pizza pie !! ☺☺♥♥
