Friday, January 10, 2020

The Arrival

          The gang made it!  Did you have any doubt?   Hank is one of fest ways to travel but we all knew that.  Take a mental note that there is a serious Captain Jack mystery out there that we’re going to have to paw through.  However, I bet you’re wondering where in the meow the gang actually is in Australia.

          To tell you the truth, they had no meowing idea.  It actually didn’t matter.  The poor country was on fire in every corner.  The big question all of you have is (probably) ‘what’s the plan?’  To be purr-fectly honest, I have no meowing idea.  This was one of those best-kept secrets but there’s no need to worry bepaws the gang always has a plan.

          Sometimes it’s just difficult to implement.

          Hank was the one that was on a mission.  It was commendable but kind of confusing.  How in the meow could an African Hippo be so intent on saving Australian animals?  Was there a story there somewhere?  Did Hank used to hang with some kangaroos? 

Well, questions were everywhere but this had to wait.  The gang was on land and there was smoke everywhere!  It was so thick that it was hard to see.  Fuzzy started sneezing and soon the whole gang was doing it in unison.  Barney felt like he could hardly meow.  “HANK!!!!”  he yowled.  “Hank!!!  There’s fire everywhere!!!”

1 comment:

  1. guyz, itz bee yond sad whatz happenin in Australia ~~~ de hole planet even...♥♥♥
