Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Weird Sammie

It was Sammie!  Sammie!  Meee-huh?  You mean they just pawed in and found Sammie?  Meee-ow, that’s right and he was there sitting on a treasure chest, looking very pleased with himself.
“Where in the meow did you come from?”  asked Paws.
“I’ve been here the whole time,” he meowed innocently.
That apparently ticked off the turtle-dude.  “No you haven’t you twerp,” he said.  “We heard your meows coming from up high.”
“What’s in the chest?”  asked Tippy eagerly.
Paws and the turtle dude stared at Tippy with disbelief.  Talk about a 180 degree turn.  Tippy’s attitude seemed to have done a 180 degree turn too.  His breathing was back to normal and his whiskers were twitching with interest.  “Well,” he meowed again, “what’s in the chest?”
Now, Sammie’s whiskers were twitching and his tail was swishing.  “What do you want to know for?”
Paws was getting a little tired of this.  “What in the meow is the matter with you?”  he asked.  “Get off the chest so we can look.”
For some reason Sammie scampered off the chest with no problem and the chest slowly opened. 

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