Friday, August 14, 2020

The Big Boom!


          The kitties just stared at Vince and Hank’s eyes just bugged out.  “Oh c’mon,” Casey meowed, “we’ll head to the volcano.  We have to save your pals!”

          “Positively,” Hank answered, nodding so hard it seemed like that his brain was rattling.  “C’mon jump on, we’ll get there.”

          Conveniently, after he said that there was this huge BOOM that sent all the kitties flying backwards.  Smokey actually found herself on Casey.  “What in the meow was that???”  she asked.

          Casey was so stunned that a couple of his whiskers fell out.  “Holy meeee-ows!”  he yowled.

          Barney just kept just shaking out his fur as if that would get the sound out of his ears, Fuzzy was holding onto Hank’s leg, Baby seemed like that she lost all ability to meow and Vince was jumping up and down yowling, “The volcano!  The volcano!”

          Smokey looked up to the west and she couldn’t believe it!  Kitties were falling from the sky!

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