Wednesday, October 14, 2020


      The fur on all of the kitties stood up at the same time.  Tippy’s whiskers actually stood up at a perfect point.  Suddenly, it started to rain, Fuzzy couldn’t believe it.  “What in the-”

          Here it was rain but sweat.  Hank was sweating.  Holy meows- who knew that hippo sweat could be like a rainstorm? 

          Pawing right along…

          “Hank, did you always sweat like that?”  asked Fuzzy.

          Hank looked shocked.  “Huh?  What was that noise?”

          A big drop of sweat hit Fuzzy’s tail, soaking it.  “Hank, turn off the sweat factory!!!”

          “What was that noise???”  Hank asked.  “Hoo-hoo.”

          Now, Hank did such a perfect ‘hoo-hoo’ that the owl making that noise actually flew up and was staring at Hank right in the eye!
          “Meeee-ahhhhh!!!”  yowled all of the kitties in unison and they all took off in different directions.  Do you really blame the kitties?  Owls were meowy spooky and have been known to munch on kitties, so it’s no wonder they hid.  Who knows the dude might’ve just had a snack on Paws.

          In the meantime, Hand and the owl continued the ‘hoo-hoo’ fest and the kitties (hiding under a crab apple tree) watched this in amazement.  “What are they doing?”  Toni asked Fuzzy.

          Fuzzy’s eyes were huge and her whiskers were twitching.  “I have paws-itively no idea!”



  1. hank...dood....hoo new.. ewe new... owl speek !!!! ;) granted we think ya shulda lurned add vanced cat speech...but ...

    guyz...we iz headed offline til monday; hope yur week endz a grate one...stay healthy :) ♥♥

  2. Hey we want to follow too! What is with that Happy Hippo?
