Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Falling Hank


          Fuzzy couldn’t believe it!  “Hank!!!”  she yowled.  “What’s the matter with you?”

          Poor Sammie looked really scared.  Toni’s eyes looked as round as saucers and Tippy looked like he wanted to puke.  The walrus even moved back like Hank was going to catch some kind of disease.  “Hank!”  yowled Paws.  “What’s matter?”

          Hank fell to the side and meee-wow what a thud!  Thud was an understatement.  His landing was so forceful that it shook some rocks. 

          “Wow,” the walrus said.

          Fuzzy pawed up to Hank with a horrible feeling.  Toni was crying.  “Is he dead?  Is he dead?”

          Fuzzy got into Hank’s face and she thought he wasn’t breathing but after a a couple of seconds he started snoring! 

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