To the Internet Cat Community:
I am extremely ticked-off about about cancel culture and I'm concerned about the path this country's going on. I don't think a lot of you realize this or it didn't sink in, so let me explain.
With the labeling of The Aristocats as racist, the editing of The Lady and the Tramp because of the Siamese cat scene and now the cancelation of Pepe Le Pew, do you people realize that the 'woke' society we are in is indirectly canceling cats. Think about it- they're labeling Siamese cats as racist which cancels Thomas O'Malley- the alley cat and his new family, and the cancelation of Pepe Le Pew makes his cute girl kitty friend disappear. Where in the hell is the anger? I cannot be the only one that is ticked off about this? This is going down a path where anything is possible now- I urge the community to WAKE-UP and realize that the social justice warriors are indirectly canceling cats and this has to stop!
And with that- we'll be back tomorrow!
We see the country going down a very slippery slope and thanks for telling us about more of the idiocy that abounds. People have to remember Brown Shirts of Hitler. Dumbing down of society if you have a brain and think they will yell sound bites to drown and shame you. The thing Dad is happy about is that he has no kids. He feels sorry for all of them