Fuzzy’s mouth was hanging
open and Sammie looked amused. “I’m no
fake,” he meowed. “I just can’t wait to
get home! How in the meow do we get othe
island anyway?”
Toni stared directly into his eyes and
Fuzzy sensed the indignation was leaving Toni’s body. It was sinking into her that meee-ow that it
was Sammie and Fuzzy wondered if she was going to start crying. “Meee-ow,” she replied. “This is so pawsome,” she meowed. “Sammie did you see our stepdad (Casey)? Did you see our real dad (Patches)?”
Sammie looked really sad. “What happened to our real dad?” he asked Fuzzy. “Why was he over the Rainbow Bridge?”
Fuzzy’s brain was spinning. “How come you don’t know?”
“It’s just really peaceful there,” he
meowed. “Nobody meowed about stuff like
Ooooo-kay, that sounded weird but that
bought a problem. How in the meow was
Fuzzy supposed to tell Sammie about Patches?
Patches (who was also known as Sammy) was attacked by a fox. Fuzzy wondered if she told this to Sammie if
Mystic would take him back to the other side.
What in the meow was she going to do????
But maybe if Sammie could talk to Patches he could explain it in a better way. If there was such a way