Friday, March 26, 2021

The Arrival


      So, what happened?  How was the journey across, yet another ocean to a strange country that well, the kitties would admit it, they couldn’t find on a map?  (Note of course, I mean strange with the deepest and the purriest respect!)  In all seriousness though, how did it go?

          Maybe a better question to meow is- how in the meow can Hank journey across the ocean without falling flat on his face?  Who in the meow knows- Hank was a hippo with a mission and he probably took steroids but who in the meow knows?  The funny thing is that Hank seemed like he made it to Wales in record time.

          Meeee-ow- meeee-ow- meee-ow…

          At least Fuzzy thought it was Wales.  Hank swore up and down that it was.  “How would you know about Wales?”  Fuzzy asked. 

          “I don’t know anything about Wales,” Hank answered, “but take a look at the rocks in the middle of the ocean!!!”

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