Thursday, March 18, 2021

Trying to Help Sammie


        Well, Toni rose to the occasion to save Fuzzy from that controversy.  “What do you mean you don’t meow about stuff like that?”  she asked.  “Didn’t you even want to know?  Patches was our dad-”

          Fuzzy was watching Sammie with interest.  He had such a strange look on his face.  He was there but not there, if that made any meowing sense.  He looked really confused, sad and a little bit awe stuck.  “What do you mean?”  he asked.

          “Sammie,” Fuzzy meowed, “do you remember anything before you went over the rainbow bridge?”

          Sammie’s eyes clouded over and he looked somewhat confused.  “Not really,” he answered, “except for being really scared.”

          “Well-“ Toni meowed but stopped when Fuzzy gave her a twitch of the whiskers.  She got the message quickly.  ‘Don’t go there- something bad might happen.’    

          All of  a sudden, Sammie looked really happy.  “Let’s get the meow out of here,” he meowed.  “I’m really hungry.”

          Food- the ultimate detractor and Fuzzy had nooooooo problem with that!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Sammie had a scary time before he passed over no wonder he doesnt remember.
