Thursday, April 22, 2021

Fuzzy's Earth Day Message

     Meeee-ow pals!  Fuzzy here and did you have a happy Earth Day?  Pals, I want to let you on in on a little secret...

    A lot of people are talking big and they're doing crazy stuff (dumping manure- come off it people) but all the big talk isn't going to help.  Do you know why?  A lot of powerful and rich people are determined that we all hate each other.  Now, with that being meowed, remember, one sides isn't going to save the environment- all people are.  Republicans care about the environment too believe it or not and don't let those idiots in DC tell you otherwise.  I know it doesn't seem like it but you don't need to follow one party to care about birds, bees, mammals, clean air and water.  In the meantime remember-

    The environment is for everybody of all colors- it's not an exclusive club.  Bringing racial stuff into the environment isn't a good idea because you turn people off to the movement.  PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO BE TOLD THEY'RE HORRIBLE PEOPLE.  THEY DON'T WANT LECTURED EVERY 6 SECONDS.  Now, all of you can do something good every day for the environment- you don't need the Squad's permission- you don't need Biden's approval- plant a tree, do a garden, plant flowers- do it on your own and keep track of organizations who claim to fight for wildlife bepaws there's a serious concern of where the money's going.  Okay, I ranted- take my advice- you'll feel a lot better.  Let those fools in DC fight while you make the world better on your own.  You'll feel a lot better if you do!  Trust me!


  1. Dad was at the first Earth Day Celebration we had here in Philadelphia PA. Every since we have done what we can when we can.

  2. So true ! And you don't need Donald Trump or MTG's permission either.
