Sunday, April 18, 2021

Paw Note: Let's Meow For a Second

     Meee-ow everybody!  Fuzzy here- let's 'paws' a second.  I'm just pawin' this out there bepaws I think this is alarming.  Now, understand this- I have separate forums for the 'political stuff' but how is this woke kick impacting everyone?  Are you alarmed?  Indifferent?  Or figure that it doesn't impact you?  Here's the thing that has me (or my human) concerned:

    The world of woke might sound good or you might figure it's some kind of phase but where does this stuff end?  Where do you see it ending?  My human is a Gen-Xer and she's studied censorship trends for a long time.  Judging by how Barnes and Noble sets up their kids books- it's evident that certain authors are being pushed out of existence.  Note that it's hard to find Babar, Pippi Longstocking and even the Emily of the New Moon Series.  Trends indicate that if the woke keep up their rampage- the Little House books are probably going to disappear from existence in the next couple of years.  With all of that being said...

    I hope that many of you realize that if the woke keep up with the trends,  that nothing in terms of creativity is actually safe.  Imagination is disappearing and that really stinks.  I hope the entire cat community rises up against this horrible woke/censorship kick that we're on because these rotten people are never satisfied and if they moan about innocent books like Babar or Little House on the Prairie, you can guarantee they'd have a problem with anything that's out there.

    Okay, thanks for giving me the meow-vent stage- story tomorrow but this stuff had to be meowed and I hope you think about what I meowed out.

1 comment:

  1. Dad does not watch news anymore as the world is just full of those with no critical thinking skills. It is just one thing to the next. Not to say that there is no merit in some things said but that there is a "throw the baby out" mentality. The lessons of history are lost on these people
