Friday, October 29, 2021

The Wind Blew Fuzzy Away


      Windy?  Why was it that every single time these guys were in a weird place, there was either wind or a lot of water?  Well, meee-wow!  There was no time for analysis bepaws- like I said it was too windy.

          “What’s going on?”  Fuzzy yowled.  “Why is it so windy?”

          It turns out that Fuzzy was asking, literally, no one bepaws everyone had either booked or had blown away.  Fuzzy found herself losing control and was soon lifted off the ground and she was spinning…


          Then slam!  It was over in a matter of seconds.  At first she couldn’t understand where was but then she saw the outlines of the trees and heard the water.

          Holy meows!  She was in a swamp!


1 comment:

  1. fuzzy....waterz a good ina waterz izza good thing...but swampz.....KNOT ~~~~~~ wearz hank ... him kneadz ta get ewe outta ther.....pron toe ~~~~ ♥♥
