Friday, October 22, 2021

What's With Mike and Tigger?


          The gang headed outside to search for Mike and Tigger.  Holy meows it looked like there was a cemetery close by.  Holy meows- why was it that cemeteries were everywhere?  Were they trapped in Halloween land?  MOL- who in the meow knows?

          “Where are you two?”  yowled Paws.  “We can’t see you!”

          “It’s freaking dark out here!”  Hank announced looking panicked.  “Where

are you two?”

          A couple of shadowy figures jumped onto a headstone.  The gang pawed closer and saw Mike and Tigger looking extremely calm.  “What’s going on guys?”  Paws asked.

          “It’s meowing cool out here,” Mike announced. 

          “Paws-itively, this is a purr-fect creepy spot,” Tigger chimed in.

          The gang looked at each other strangely.  “What in the meow is so great about a cemetery?”  asked Fuzzy.

          “We know some names,” Tigger announced.  “Our mom’s grave is here and so is our dad’s.”

          Meeeee-huh?  This didn’t make any sense.  What about that creepy tomb with that had the original gang’s names on it saying to ‘rest in hell???’  That didn’t sound so great to the rest of the kitties.  Finally, Toni meowed the obvious, “You two are nuts.”

1 comment:

  1. fuzzy N toni sum timez tho ewe can find sum reel lee kewl ancient timez namez & stuff in de cemee tarry !!! like bak frum olden timez

    may bee even like in 2007 !!! ;)

    happee week end everee one ☺☺♥♥
