Sunday, July 28, 2019

Take Cover!!!

            As you already know Paws’s yowl of, “Quieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet,” didn’t go far.  A storm rolled in fast and furious.  First it was the wind, blowing from side to side and then up and down.  It seemed like it got stronger every second and then it lifted the cats in the air and literally tossed them all over the beach.

            “Take cover!!!”  Paws yowled.  “Everybody take cover!”

            This was easier said that done because the rain started crashing down and everyone knows that cats and rain don’t mix. Everything was so screwed-up that the beach was covered in darkness.  None of the cats knew which way the other one was going and Paws could barely make it across the beach.  After about five steps he fell into a hole, screaming ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!”

1 comment:

  1. dood we hope ta cod ya fell inta a clam bake well, in de sand, but ya can still get out.....what ever kinda holez ya iz in.....climb bak out buddy...pron toe pleez ~ ♥♥
