Monday, September 2, 2019

Hank Heads In!

          “The boat’s gone,” Hank said.

          Paws, Tippy and Blackie were (literally) stretching on their toes to see if it was true.  Holy meows!  Sammie- the gang- where could they have gone?  The waves were getting worse too and Paws gad a cold feeling running down his back, he turned around to see that zombie lion moving towards them.  “YOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL!!!!  Hank! Hank!  The zombie lion is back!”

          Tippy let out a shriek and Blackie sort of scrunched down.  Hank on the other hand didn’t need convinced to get going.  He went full-force into the water  with the kitties hanging onto him for dear life.  Hank, in the meantime, was like a motorboat and wait a meow minute!


          Sammie was a hundred yards in front of them and he was drowning!!!

1 comment:

  1. hang in ther hank... will bee ther faster N de speed oh lite... which frank lee iz prettee D fast ♥♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
