Sunday, October 13, 2019

Yowls and Meee-yowls!

          Well, did the boys get ‘saucer eyes?’

          You’re meowing right they got saucer eyes!!!

          “Wha- what was that?”  Sammie meow-stuttered.  A meow-stutter is not a purr-ty thing.  It actually sounds like teeth clacking.

          Paws felt really funny.  It was kind of like a chill moved up his spine.  “Sounds like some kind of dog,” he meowed lamely.  He knew it wasn’t a dog but he didn’t want to scare his brother. 

          “That was no dog!”  Sammie yowled.

          “Okay, that was a wolf,” Paws answered.

          “Meeeee-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!  A wolf???” 

          There was the howl again, as if to confirm it.  Sammie turned as if he wanted to head up the tree but Paws grabbed his tail.  “Where in the meow are you going?”

          “Let go of me Big Paw!”  he yowled.  “I don’t want to be eaten by some wolf!”

          “Would you calm down!”  Paws yowled.

          Sammie responded to that by giving Paws a paw and the next thing you know they’re rolling around scratching and pawing each other, oblivious to the wolf that jumped on the boulder above them!

1 comment:

  1. guyz....whoa...may bee itza wear wolfz...look up N see if ya seez a full moon...if ya due, then itza purrson in wolf.... N thatz werst yet !!! ☺☺♥♥
