Monday, December 23, 2019

Score One For the Animals

          Action?  So, what did everyone do? 

          The walrus army was a group possessed.  They seemed like they molded together and turned into a large battering ram.  Trucks were overturned, trailers were smashed and the pipelines destroyed.  To the humans, it seemed like it was an earthquake/ice storm and any worker that was around took off.  Everything lasted about 10 minutes and when it was over all that stood were the animals.

          Now, how freaking cool is that though?  The animals destroyed the main oil area.  Everyone stood around in an awed silence.  Paws broke up the silence with a huge, “Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!” 

          That set off a round of cheering.  Walruses were headbutting themselves in delight.  Hank found Willie and they were doing belly-flops in the snow.  The gang was jumping around in delight and Leo kept roaring.  What a rush- what a meowing rush.  They saved Santa’s place!  All of the cheering was interrupted though with jingle bells in the distance!

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