Wednesday, January 8, 2020



All of the kitties just stared at him.  Do you really blame them?  You have to be living under a rock not to know what’s going on in Australia.  It’s all so meowin’ sad.  Those poor koalas and kangaroos are being burned alive and it’s just pawful.  Going to Australia never entered anyone’s minds and why would it?  After all, the kitties were on the east coast and what could they really do on their own anyway?

I know, I know, they could’ve called Captain Jack.  However, Captain Jack went missing awhile back and no one was sure what happened to him.  There were plenty of rumors out there but it’s was cool to speculate.  The kitties danced around the subject bepaws Baby went a little bit goofy when his name was meowed.  Pawing right along though…

Hank’s intense look seemed to have impacted all of the kitties.  Barney’s eyes started sparkling with determination.  Paws felt that urge of adventure.  Fuzzy’s tail started twitching and Baby meowed out everybody’s feelings about the subject-

“Well, big guy, let’s get going!!!”

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