Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Beachin' It

          Paws couldn’t believe it.  “Why?”

          Fuzzy looked at him like he flipped his whiskers.  “He didn’t want us to get hurt in the fire.”

          Paws, who was still shaken by the dream, nodded.  It made sense.  Hank was the ultimate dude though.  What a hippo- wanting to take care of his buddies.  “I hope he’s okay.”

          The kitties were silent.  Everybody was hoping so.  It would be heartbreaking if something happened to him.  They all knew that they’d have to wait on what happened down there.  Hank would find them when he was ready.

          Pawing right along…

          The sun was shining, the ocean waves crashed against the shore, calmly,  and the sand just kept getting warmer.  Paws felt himself rolling on his back.  “Meee-ow this feels good.  Where-”

          He was cut off by Fuzzy who started jumping up and down.  “Meeeee-ow!!!  Toni is out on the ocean on a boat!!!!!!!”

Paw Note:
Tomorrow is the anniversary of Mom's dad dying. Mom has this thing about 
not posting on this day so we'll meow with you on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. ona boat !!! we bet itz cap'n jack afturr all thiz time !!!

    { N we total lee understand bout postin....sendin hugs ta mom; we noe how ruff it iz ♥♥♥
