Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Grumble and Rumble

          Barney shrugged.  “How in the meow do I know?”

          Paws’s whiskers twitched.  “Why not?”  he asked Barney.

          Barney was getting annoyed.  “Oh shut-up,” he meowed.  “I want to go back to my nap.  You better go find Toni and Fuzzy.”

          Paws gave him a defiant whisker twitch and tail swoosh.  “I’m not their babysitter,” he grumbled, pawing away from Barney.

          Barney didn’t argue with him bepaws, to be purr-fectly honest, he didn’t care.  The sun and sand was warm and he wanted that nap.  Paws could go play with the octopus as far as he was concerned.  Now, he was about ready to settle down in the sand when some kitty started calling, “Barney!  Barney!!”

          He turned to see Fuzzy running at him looking worried.  “What’s the matter?”  Barney asked with alarm.  Fuzzy wasn’t the type to panic.

          “Toni’s disappeared!”  she yowled.

1 comment:

  1. may bee her wented ta lookz for her jet skee....ore get a new one !! :) ♥♥☺☺
