Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Freaked Out Kitties

What the meow???
Glowing stones???
Somebody has to be on catnip, right??? RIGHT???
Well, one can yowl all they want but the stones were still glowing and it had the boys freaked out. (Oh there’s a shock.)  I’m not kidding though they freaked out so badly that they started climbing on the turtle dude.  As a meow of fact, all three of them were on his shell at the same time.  He wasn’t too pleased about that and somehow he ended up getting the strength to literally toss them off his shell so all three were in a pile.
“What in the world is the matter with you cats?”  asked the turtle dude.  “Are you cats nuts?  It’s just a statue.”
“If you’re such a tough guy, go take a look at that statue,” yowled Paws. 
          “I’ll do that,” he answered, going up to see.  For some reason, he leaned over and started headbutting it.  Right when he started doing that, the earth started shaking!!!



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