Friday, July 3, 2020

Embracing Hank

          Smokey landed in the water with a huge splat but managed to pop up immediately since she was relatively close to shore.  “What in the meow is your problem?”  she asked. 

          “I’m no trained seal,” Hank snorted glaring at the gang.  “If these cats don’t want me around- I’m leaving!”

          “Wait!!!!”  Casey yowled.  “Don’t be like this!  He turned towards the Barney, Baby and the shadows of the hiding cats.  “You cats are being stupid.  Hank’s the best pal that anyone could have.  Come on out and see.”

          Whether it was curiosity or Casey’s tone the cats cautiously pawed out with wide eyes.  A sleek, black cat who introduced himself as Vince came the close to the shore and called out.  “It’s nice to meow with you Hank.”

          Now, that ended up calming the big guy down bepaws he turned around and came ashore.  He lured his head and the next thing you know Vince and the rest of the cats were patting him on the head!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ewe catz knead ta listen ta smokey; her noes what herz talkin bout !! :) ♥♥☺☺
