Fuzzy jumped off of Hank with ease
looking very pleased with herself. Who
in the meow are we kidding? She looked a
little FUZZY! “Thanks, big guy,” she meowed.
Hank took a deep breath and stumbled
to his feet, slowly. “You are one fat,
little Fuzz,” he said.
Hackles were up. “That’s really cute coming from a hippo,”
snapped the Fuzz with her tail straight up.
The whole thing was amusing really, when did you ever think Fuzzy would
actually scratch somebody?
It was time for stepdad Casey to step
in. You remember that Casey really had
no patience for huffiness, right? Well,
pawing right along…
“Would you two knock it off!” he yowled.
“This is no time for fighting.”
He looked at Fuzzy. “How in the
meow did you get here anyway?”
That’s when Fuzzy’s eyes got big and
she started shaking a little. “I was
picked-up by this really big, ugly burd…”
fuzzy...this iz what we meen when we say burdz = bass terdz :)
ReplyDeletehope momz eye iz aye oh kay N we hope everee onez week end iz GRATE and hope full lee knot 900 degreez in de shade ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥