“STOP!!!!” Casey yowled.
Meee-ow! Can you believe it- it was Fuzzy! Fuzzy was sitting up in a palm tree looking well-
a tad fuzzy. Casey couldn’t believe
it. “Fuzzy!!!! What are you doing up there???”
“Get me down! Get me down!!!” she yowled.
“Hank move over!!! Move under there so she can jump on your
back!” Casey instructed.
“All of you need to get off,” said
Hank, who was very particular about stuff like this.
No one had a problem with it and Hank was
soon directly under the Fuzz. “Go ahead
and jump!” Casey yowled.
Fuzzy looked down doubtfully but climbed
on a small branch above so she could go into dive mode. She landed on Hank so hard that he was flat
on his stomach!
fuzzy....that was sum kinda landin if ewe bringed hank down !!!! we saw yu post a bove N hope mom hada GRATE TIME....how kewl is that :) ☺☺♥♥