was horrified and the kitties were shocked.
Hank even gasped. What in the
meow was up with this? Baby, as everyone
knew, had a passionate hatred for ‘burds’ but who in the meow would’ve guessed
that she would’ve gotten this excited?
“Meee-wow!” Casey yowled.
“What’s up with that?”
Baby gave him a contemptuous look and
started some serious tail swishing. “Do
you really want to run into some big, ugly burd.”
“No burd is gonna get us,” Barney
Hank made a goofy noise. “You cats are silly being afraid of all these
Right after he said this a horrible screech
came from above!
hank....dood.....ya gotta see thiz frum a catz point oh veew buddy....trooth ☺☺☺♥♥♥