Thursday, August 13, 2020

A Vince Observation


          Casey was horrified.  “SMOKEY!!!!”  he yowled.  “Get up!”

          Poor Smokey looked like she was in a daze but meeee-phew!  She stood up, shakily, and was soon hopping around like nothing ever happened.  The kitties were so relieved that there was a nice combination of a-paws and purrs!  Hank even did a special back jump and made such a huge splash that all of the kitties got wet!

          “Hank!!!!!!!!”  they all wailed.

          He gave one of those goofy hippo laughs.  “Sorry,” he answered.  “I couldn’t help it.”

          Now Vince, finally, meowed, “I can’t believe you two did that.”

          Fuzzy and Smokey shook off their fur modestly.  “I can’t believe we did that either,” Smokey answered.

          “Yeah,” meowed Fuzzy in a weird tone.  “What a rush.”

          For some reason, Vince looked really sad.  “I bet you cats don’t wanna go to the volcano now.”

1 comment:

  1. got that volcano lookz good frum rite wear ewe R guyz...

    hay, heerz two a grate week oh end; bee healthee :) ♥♥ ☺☺
