You are never going to believe this. You’re going to demand video proof. Smokey and Fuzzy(from opposite sides) bonked the BURD.
Smokey and Fuzzy clobbered the BURD!
Holy meows! How is that paws-ible. Luckily neither really got hurt both just landed on their butts in sand. Smokey was lucky enough to land in dry sand, while Fuzzy got wet sand all over her fur. Meeeee-yuck. Anyway, whatever they did actually got the BURD to fly off, shaken and making whimpering noises like a dog.
“Meeee-yuck!” Fuzzy yowled. “I hate wet sand.”
Casey was staring at Smokey in amazement. “How in the meow did you pull that off without hurting your other back leg?”
That was a great question and Smokey, feeling dazed tried to stand-up but each time she tried, she fell back down!!!
keep chill fora few smokey; de bass turd burdz gone N ya knead ta get yur bearingz.....ya noe.... grate job bye ewe N casey :) ☺☺♥♥