Monday, August 3, 2020

Hank and the Burd

          The burd was making a weird, screeching noise.  It was a horrible, loud sound that not only made your fur stand-up but it actually started falling out!  Meee-wow!!!  Hank in the meantime, after his mouth dropped to the ground in shock, ended up galloping around in a circle like a terrified puppy. 

          “What in the meow is the matter with you?”  yowled Casey, as Hank started running towards the water.  “You’re a hippo, not a small kitty!” 

          That seemed to hit Hank like a lightning bolt.   As a meow of fact, he stopped and turned back to the land he glared up at the shrieking burd and opened his mouth in that scary, hippo-way, “Alright BURD!  COME AND GET ME!”

1 comment:

  1. hank, watch out dood, if that IZZA terra dactylz itz gonna bee like 900 milez wide N stuff ....YEOW .... ☺☺
