Thursday, May 6, 2021

Hippo Greeter


          Well, what was it?

          Was it an earthquake? 

          No, it was a hippo.  A hippo?  Yeah, a huge hippo was walking towards them, making the ground shake.


          Wait a meow-minute.  Was it Hank?

          No, it was the biggest hippo that the kitties had ever seen.  Fuzzy’s eyes were literally bulging at the size while the other kitties, hid behind Paws which wasn’t the least bit surprising.  The dude was scary.

          The hippo looked down at the kitties with what Fuzz thought was contempt.  He wasn’t pleased to see them at all and looked like he could do one of those hippo snort things at any second.  He lowered his head to look directly at Fuzzy which made her shrink back a little.  “Well,” he said, “what are you doing here?”






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