Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sammy Newsflash


          Now, picture the scene, Sammy’s ‘tail’ of fire and being separated from his mom had all the kitties in the room including a horrified Toni who’s eyes got bigger and bigger every time he even said the word ‘fire.’  When all of them heard that he was afraid his pal might’ve been eaten all of them literally had their whiskers standing on edge!  As for Fuzzy, she was so literally FUZZED OUT that her fur was standing on edge.

          “Who eats jaguars?”  she asked, quite reasonably bepaws, well that’s what the kid was indicating. 

          Sammy looked at her like she was the dumbest cat in the world.  “Not jaguars- anteaters.”

          “Anteaters???”  roared the kitties in a collective meow.

          “My best pal is an anteater,” Sammy announced proudly, “but I’m afraid about what happened to him.”

          In the history of the weird things these kitties have been through in the last few years this had to be the weirdest thing ever!  As Fuzzy was trying to figure this out Paws asked, “So, you figured out how to get up here and find Hank then?” 

          “Uh-huh,” Sammy answered.

          “What I can’t figure out,” Fuzzy meowed, “is how in the meow you even know about Hank.”

1 comment:

  1. we gotta laff guyz coz we noe a jaguar will eatz an ant eater !!!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺ itz nice sammy that ewe made friendz with one :)♥♥
