Thursday, March 22, 2018

Something's Fishy!!!

“This iz no timez for lunch!”  the Mayor yowled.

          Casey felt his stomach growl.  That fish really looked good but he snapped back into reality quickly.  “You can’t waste time with the fish!”

          Freddie’s mom wasn’t listening.  This was a Fishing Cat on a mission but she shocked the meows out of both of them by going over to Hank, with the fish, and just sticking it under his nose for about 30 seconds, she steps back and they just watched.  At first, Casey and the Mayor didn’t think he would do anything but then his face started making funny faces.  His eyes popped open and he stood up immediately and said, “Who did that???”

          A very smug Fishing Cat then pawed over to Hank’s buddies and the rest of the gang, waving the fish under their nose.  The rest of the hippos stood up immediately and, while it took a couple of minutes, the rest of the cats were up.  As a matter of fact the rest of the kitties, including Fuzzy, were meowing.  “FOOD!!!  FOOD!!!”

          Freddie’s mom completely ignored this and started munching right in front of them.  While all were outraged, they came to the same conclusion in a matter of seconds…

          She deserved it.

1 comment:

  1. guyz....we iz crackin... UP !!!!!!
    for sure if ya can sleep thru de smell oh fish fresh frum de sea....ewe hafta be unconziouz !! ☺☺♥♥
