Monday, July 13, 2020

Huffy Kitties

          The golden fish?

          Smokey’s whiskers started twitching.  Why in the meow did this sound familiar?  Casey wasn’t buying this though.  “You’re making this up about a golden fish,” he meowed to Vince.

          Vince’s tail swished.  “What?  Are you calling me a liar?”

          Hank stopped suddenly and turned his head almost completely around.  “Don’t you kitties fight on my back.”

          “But I’m not putting up with a cat meowing that I’m a liar,” Casey rowled.

          “Get over it,” Hank answered, “or else I’ll leave you here.”

          Kitties were silent and Hank started walking again.  What was weird was that it was suddenly getting warmer.  Smokey wondered if they were getting closer to the volcano.  Casey and Vince were still glaring at each other.  Finally, Casey meowed, “What’s this whole thing really about?”

1 comment:

  1. guyz....we hope hank noez what himz doin....ya due knot ever noe what a volcanoez gonna due !!!!! :) ♥♥
