Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Golden What????

Here’s the meowy thing about this volcano.  It was visible immediately and Vince pawsitively went hysterical about it.  As a meow of fact, a couple of the cats jumped off Hank, heading back to their homes.  Smokey found herself feeling excited and weird.  What in the meow was up with this volcano that the cats were so freaked?

          Casey must’ve thought the same thing.  “Why in the meow did the cats go to this volcano anyway if it’s so scary?”  he asked Vince.

          Vince’s whiskers twitched.  You can tell he was hiding something.  “I’m not sure,” he answered.

          “Oh please,” Hank yelled, picking up some speed.  “Nobody does anything without a reason.”

          “Hank’s right about that,” Barney meowed.  “What in the meow is up, Vince?”

          “Well,” he meowed, “they were looking for the golden fish.”


1 comment:

  1. NOE....due knot look for that fish guyz.....way bak when , like in 1926; it cauzed a lot oh trubull round purry cute.....we noe....we saw it !! :) ♥♥♥
