Monday, January 18, 2021

Huffy Sammy


      Sammy got a really strange look on his face.  Fuzzy couldn’t figure out if he was mad or not.  Who could tell with a seal?  They usually looked happy no matter what.  Well, it didn’t take too long to figure out what Sammy was thinking bepaws he started started headbutting Fuzzy!

          Fuzzy couldn’t believe it!!!  Who could’ve seen that coming but luckily, despite the cold weather, she was quicker than Sammy and managed to jump on a big boulder.  “What in the meow is the matter with you?”  she yowled.  “I didn’t say anything mean to you!”

          “No little furball is going to call me a liar,” he yowled. 

          “I just can’t believe you’re related to a Ribbon Seal!”  Fuzzy meowed.  “You don’t even look like one.”

          Sammy paused for a second, considering this.  After all, it was a meowy good point by the Fuzz.  “Well,” he said grudgingly, “you have a point.” 

          Fuzzy jumped down and asked.  “Can we go see that sled now?”

          All of sudden Sammy looked panicked.  “Hey, where did Charlotte go?”


  1. guyz....we gotta go google ribbon rite bak...


  2. we iz kewl izza ribbon seal !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥ thanx for pointin em out....

  3. Sammy sounds like a seal that is a bit slippery
