Monday, January 19, 2015


          It was all just a dream…


          Wait a meow minute!!! A dream?  You’re pulling my tail right?

          Nope, it was a dream.  MOL- oh don’t twitch your whiskers or get growly of course it wasn’t a dream but I be you’re wondering, ‘WHERE IN THE MEOW WERE THOSE PURRY CUTE KITTIES?’  Well, to tell you the meowy truth, they had been everywhere, doing purry things and pawing around a lot of sand and getting the fur all suntanned.

          As a matter of fact, Barney had such a case of furry sunburn that he had to go into seclusion!  Baby, being dumped by a boyfriend ended up in the Pawjustcie system bepaws she scratched half of his ears off and Casey, being the man of action just needed a good night’s sleep.  While Smokey, who had also been nipped by a boyfriend, had sprained her other leg while chasing him in order to scratch his eyes out.  What does all of this information mean?  Well let me put it to you this way…

          Barney’s healed.  Baby served her probation time in the Pawjustice system and Casey is extremely well rested.  What about Smokey?  Easy…Smokey’s all healed up and feeling a lot better besides that she’s been kinda bored lately.  In other words…

          They’re back….


  1. Welcome back! Very good to hear from you again ...
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  2. HAY & YAY guys !! ....glad ta see ewe bak thiz way ♥♥♥ N we hope all iz well with mom two ☺
