Thursday, August 8, 2019

Jump!!! Time to Jump!

            Guess what?  It was Hank but he was above ground which bought the debate about the tunnel to an end-MOL  Anyway, he was making so much noise that he managed to make this big hole in the top of the tunnel.  All, of this, pawviously, scared the fur off of Blackie who disappeared to who meows where.  Paws was frozen by the fascination of the whole thing and he was shocked when Hank stuck his head down the hole.

            “Hey kid,” he yelled, “let’s get out of here.”

            Paws’s whiskers twitched.  “How in the meow am I supposed to get out of here?”

            “Jump!”  Hank yowled.  “Jump out of  here! You can do it!”

            “But-but-but my mom was here.  We have to get her out too!”

            Hank didn’t want to hear it.  “Jump Paws!  Jump!  You’re running out of time!”

            Paws didn’t get what he was yowling about but the ground was shaking!!

1 comment:

  1. dood...due knot leeve with out yur mom ....noe matter what hank sayz...him could still bee zombeez fied anyway !!

    heerz two a grate week end everee one ~~~ ☺☺♥♥
