Friday, August 9, 2019

Panicky Hank!

            Hank was really, really panicked by this point.  “KID YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO JUMP OUT OF THERE!”

            Paws still couldn’t get over the fact that his mom had completely disappeared.  “I can’t go without my mom!”  he wailed.  “She was just here!”

            Hank wasn’t sure what to think about this.  He had heard about Blackie once and was under the impression that no one knew where she was!  He found it hard to believe that she had actually been down there with Paws and Hank thought that Paws probably imagined her.  “You imagined her!”  yelled Hank.  “You imagined her and you gotta get out of here or you’ll be buried in the sand!”

            That’s when Paws made his move…

1 comment:

  1. hank ya haz knot been round ta noe blackie her reel troo self came HOME !!! ☺☺♥♥
