Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Weird Stuff

          “Fuzzy!!!”  yowled Paws.  “Wake-up!”

          Believe it or not she did and she gave one of those large, long yawns and started purring.  “I had some good nip,” she meowed.

          The kitties looked at each other strangely and Tippy meowed, “You have some?”

          “Nope,” Fuzzy replied without elaborating.

          What was up with this cat?  She was literally stoned on some kind of exotic nip.  Barney and Toni were nowhere to be found and for some reason Blackie didn’t want to have anything to do with Fuzzy.  What in the meow was going on? 

The boys started meowing quietly among themselves but it didn’t matter bepaws Fuzzy passed out again and that’s when Hank stuck his head in the cave.  “Blackie’s gone!”  he exclaimed.

1 comment:

  1. whoa fuzzy....ya better eat sum thin even if ewe due knot haz muncheez at de moe mint....yur help iz needed; blackie went sum place ~~~~~~ ♥♥
