Saturday, October 5, 2019

Somebody's Watching!


          Meee-uhoh.  You’re confused.  Oh don’t worry, the kitties have a tendency to do that, even to me the transcribing human.  You’re wondering what in the meow happened that Paws went from watching something be washed up to the beach area to following Sammie.  It’s all very simple.  It was nothing- it was nothing but a big scary wave that seemed like it would swallow him whole!  That was enough to get this kitty’s butt in gear and catch-up with Sammie in a matter of seconds.

          Sammie wasn’t even that surprised to see him.  To be purr-fectly honest, Sammie seemed like he was in some kind of weird haze!  The funny thing was that the woods by this creepy castle didn’t even seem that big but Sammie and Paws found themselves in one of the longest, darkest, eerily quiet forests ever.  Each of them could hear each other breathing, almost.  Finally, after about 10 minutes of pawing around, Sammie whispered to Paws, “Do you get the feeling something’s watching us?”

          Paws knew he had to try to be calm.  “No- I don’t think-”

          That’s when something large and creepy flew out of nowhere and landed on top of a tree directly in front of them!!!

1 comment:

  1. aaaaeeeeeeeaaaaaaa

    we hope ta COD itz knot a bass terd turkee buzzard !!!

