Saturday, March 14, 2020

Strange Dudes

          Paws and Tippy were looking right at a bunch of flamingos!


          Burds???  Big pink burds??

          Now, the ‘burds’ scared the fur off of Tippy.  He ended up climbing on Paws’s back as he was backing up.  Strangely enough the flamingos didn’t even seem startled by these kitties.  As a meow of fact, the biggest one leaned down to take a better look at the kitties.

          “What’s with you two?”  he asked.  “You two are soaked.  Where did you two come from?”

          Paws opened his mouth to meow out something smart but nothing came out but sand.  Tippy, who in the meow knew what he was thinking, was clinging hard to Paws’s back.  As a meow of fact, the second he dug in. Paws yowled, “Ouccccccccccccccccccccccccccccch!”  He flung Tippy off and he landed in a pile of wet sand. 

          All of that made the flamingos make a crazy squawking noise.  It just kept getting louder and louder.  Maybe it was their idea of laughing.  Who in the meow knows?  But it made Paws yowl, “Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!”

1 comment:

  1. deer cod in all de seaz guyz....we hope ya get up N outta ther faster N a speedin bulletz ~~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥
