Friday, March 13, 2020

Where Are the Boys?

          Why is it that all of these kitties always seem to have some kind of riding the wave incident?  I mean- come on!  Kitties don’t like water…

          Yeah, I’m stating the paw-vious…

          Tippy and Paws felt like they were in a tunnel, paw-viously a wet tunnel but they were tossed around like big balls but all of a sudden, they were on dry land.         

          Where in the meow were they?

          Paws lifted his head up to look around and his eyes widened at what was directly in front of them!!!

1 comment:

  1. guyz....we noe wear ewe iz...we could say ..soundz like swell.. coz we saw the post bee fore thiz !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥
